Oppose this regulation.
Do you
oppose toxic chemicals in beds?
Vote and Comment Here
Also, if you have gotten sick from a
flameproof mattress we would like to know.
As of July 1 2007 all mattresses
nationwide, including crib, must be flameproof and contain toxic chemicals.
Please help get the word out.

Beware of Organic or other
mattresses that claim they use no chemicals. There are no labeling
requirements. There are no chemical free systems that will pass the
severe open flame test, not even wool, they are all toxic. Your only safe
choice is a bare waterbed or a prescription mattress. See
Organics Burn
We're Making News, Toxic vs.
Toxin-Free Prescription Mattresses
TV stations CBS, NBC, ABC, FOX, Magazines, and Newspapers across the country
have done news stories on toxic beds, and more are coming:
"Many manufacturers are predicting
a backlash once consumers start to investigate what's really lying under
their sheets with them." "Ironically, mattress workers are coming forward
and admitting they are getting sick simply handling the new chemically-laden

Even before the July
1 2007 deadline most new
mattresses sold nationwide, and all mattresses sold in California since
1-1-05 have already
contained toxic chemicals to meet the new law. There are no labeling
requirements of the chemicals in beds. All mattress makers will claim they use no
chemicals, but the CPSC documents prove otherwise. Click
to see the CPSC table of chemicals used, and
to see their table of the amount of poisons absorbed daily from flameproof
mattresses. If you want a clean bed we recommend a bare waterbed or our
sponsors and
Fortunately, the law allows Doctors including Chiropractors to prescribe
toxin free beds. Prescriptions are easy, save you the sales tax, make the
mattress set tax deductible, and you can use your health savings account.
their Jan-06 Risk Assessment the CPSC proves the average adult will
absorb a daily dose of .802 mg of Antimony (Arsenic), .081 mg Boric Acid
(Roach Killer), and .073 mg DBDPO (Deca) from flame proof mattresses, every night.
Plus they say five year old children will absorb .5 mg Antimony every night,
this is 63 times more poison than the EPA says is safe. Younger
children were not studied.
(It's True! See CPSC
Table 16) All three are acute poisons and two cause cancer. (Most
people do not want themselves or their children to absorb any amount of
poisons from their mattresses every day, to avoid the one in 1.111 million
risk of dying in a mattress fire.)
CPSC Risk Assessment of Flameproof
Mattresses, see the facts firsthand:
Short version, 21 selected
pages highlighted. The highlighted lines are a quick read.
Full version, 77 pages Bookmarked
Highlighted, Searchable
Children under age five excluded from risk assessment.
The CPSC assumes all these children will be protected by a
vinyl sheet over their mattresses due to bedwetting problems, and that this
will protect them from exposure to these known acutely toxic chemicals.
There are no labeling requirements. Parents will never know their new
mattresses contain toxic chemicals.
Unlike other flame
retardants that we initially think are non-toxic like Asbestos PCB's and
PBDE's, and later
find them harmful, we already know these are acutely toxic and cancer
Quote from College Chemistry Textbook: “Antimony
resembles Arsenic very closely; the difference in
its behavior being almost entirely accounted for by the fact that antimony
is slightly more metallic.” This helps explain why it is so poisonous.
Quotes from ATSDR a division of the CDC on Antimony: “An increase in the
number of spontaneous abortions, disturbances in menstruation, failure to
conceive, May cause heart to beat irregularly or stop. … Chronic Exposure:
Prolonged or repeated exposure may damage the liver and the heart muscle."
“In long-term studies, animals that breathed very low levels of antimony had
eye irritation, hair loss, lung damage, and heart problems. Problems with
fertility were also noted.” "Two studies reported lung tumors in rats
exposed to relatively low levels of antimony trioxide." Antimony tends to
accumulate in the liver and gastrointestinal tract.” The CDC cannot
determine a safe level of Antimony exposure because: “At the lowest exposure
levels tested, the adversity of the effects was considered to be serious.”
On cancer risks of Antimony even the CPSC admits:
“The cancer effects are cumulative. Every exposure contributes to the
overall lifetime risk of developing cancer.”
Boric Acid, also used
as Roach Killer, is a known reproductive and developmental toxin, a
known respiratory irritant, Demonstrated injury to the gonads and to the
developing fetus. high prenatal mortality, Neonatal children are unusually
susceptible. There are already 6,463 U.S. cases of Boric Acid poisoning each
year. One human exposure study showed reduced sperm counts and reduced
sexual activity in humans.
DBDPO, Deca, is in
the family of PBDE’s, is known to bioaccumulate, is linked to cancer, and
groups are trying to get it banned.
The CPSC has completed
extraction studies that show the percentage of FR chemicals contained in
various mattress flame barriers. (See CPSC
Table 1, It shows 7 of 13
barriers contain Antimony, and 5 of 13 contain Boric Acid) They have also
completed leaching and migration studies that prove these chemical reach
the surface of our mattresses through the sheets, to be absorbed by our
bodies, and base the above poison absorptions calculations on this data.
See the rest of the short
version of the story by clicking
See the whole story by
clicking here:
Includes TERA comments and CPSC responses, omissions, errors, CPSC
responses to public comments, and Conclusions.
CPSC Risk Assessment of Flameproof
Mattresses, see the facts firsthand:
Short version, 21 selected
pages highlighted. The highlighted lines are a quick read.
Full version, 77 pages Bookmarked
Highlighted, Searchable
Printer friendly version click here
A new law already effective in California,
and soon to be enacted nationwide by the Consumer Products Safety Commission
(CPSC) requires mattresses to resist ignition from open flames, even though
a 1973 federal law already requires all mattresses to resist ignition from
burning cigarettes, and mattress fires have already declined by 68%. Since
it requires toxic chemicals in the surface of all new mattresses to meet the
new law, we think the risks of the new law outweigh the benefits.
Most people will think, it can't be that
bad, it is probably OK. Please consider the following:
The CPSC hopes to save up to 270 lives
annually after ten or more years, after all existing mattresses are
replaced. This seems overly optimistic and the real number saved can be
calculated to only 21 using the CPSC's own
data. With 300 million people in the United States
unknowingly taking the risk of sleeping in toxic chemicals, they avoid the
one in one million risk of dying in a mattress fire. Using the 21 saved
number the risk is one in fourteen million. By comparison annual US deaths
are 6,091 as a pedestrian, 16,337 as a car occupant, and 17,550 from
accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious substances. Even before the
new law, your risk of dying from toxic chemicals, is greater than your risk
of dying in a car accident. See
Odds of Dying.
There is an entire specialty of real
medicine that treats people poisoned by the toxic chemicals in our modern
environment, real M.D.'s taught by top schools such as Harvard Medical
School. These Doctors see first hand the pain, suffering, and death of these
people. All of these
Doctors oppose this law.
Every life is important and it is hard to
argue with fire safety. However, if this law kills even one more than it saves, it is
clearly wrong. It has the potential to kill millions of people. If only 15%
of our mattresses prove toxic -- 45 Million people will die.
- The chemicals used to flameproof
mattresses have never
been studied for human exposure risk in this application. (Except now
the CPSC has released a limited
- We know almost all the chemicals to
flameproof mattresses are
acutely toxic and many also cause
- The science of Toxicology uses
high-dose short-term exposure on various animals to predict the effect
of low-dose long-term exposure on humans. This is exactly the risk in
mattresses, close chronic
exposure eight hour per day for the
rest of our and our children's lives.
- The developing fetus and young child
is particularly vulnerable to certain environmental toxins. Over the
past three decades, researchers have found that remarkably
exposures to these toxins are linked with less overt symptoms
of toxicity—intellectual impairments, behavioral problems, spontaneous
abortions, or preterm births.
- Antimony Trioxide is the most commonly
used flame retardant in mattresses to meet the new law. Antimony is a
heavy metal like Lead with similar toxic effects. Antimony is proven to
leach from mattresses and linked to heart damage, cancer, and
- Boric Acid, also a roach killer, is
commonly used as a flame retardant in mattresses to meet the new law. It
is known to attack the developing fetus and testicles as it primary
targets. In addition to death, birth defects, infertility, and
sterility, studies show overexposure
reduces sexual activity in humans.
- Children could be poisoned from
sucking on a
Boric Acid mattress. There are 6,463 cases of Boric Acid Poisoning in
the US each year.
- Formaldehyde, Bromine, and other
dangerous chemicals are also used in many systems. It is difficult if
not impossible to find the truth. Even mattress manufacturers usually
don't know which chemicals are present in their flame barrier systems.
We can't find any, but even if safe systems exist, all mattresses must be safe or we
will eventually harm or kill a percentage of our people. If 33% prove
toxic, 100 Million people are harmed. If only 1% prove toxic, it is
still 3 Million people harmed or killed.
- We should learn from our toxic
legacies of the past. We have made previous mistakes with flame
retardants such as PCB's banned in the 70's, Tris, Asbestos, and now
PBDE's are being found in peoples bodies and women's breast milk in
alarming and growing amounts.
- The chemical industry estimates we
save up to 960 people per year with the 1.2 Billion pounds of flame
retardants the US uses annually. Now we will be required to sleep in
them too. We have already
killed 300,000 people, and continue to kill
10,000 annually, with Asbestos alone.
- Consumers will be forced to pay an
average of $100 more for every new mattress purchased to meet this law.
- The innerspring mattress industry
through their trade association ISPA went to the CPSC and
asked for this
law. It seems clear it benefits the large companies by restraining
competition, forcing the smaller companies out of business, and raising
prices, revenue, and profits.
- Even the man who started and wrote
this law in California,
Whitney Davis, is now having second
thoughts: "The Problem: the only chemicals they can use to achieve
compliance are listed as toxic to humans by the EPA.” and "You don't
know until 10 years down the road and there's a problem," he said.
"We feel responsible."
We have made progress with many
Doctors and
people opposing this law. The CPSC has received over 500
public comments
opposing the law when they would normally only receive about 20 comments
from interested parties on most proposals.
We have gotten
news for the issue from the Washington
Post, San Francisco Chronicle, and many other newspapers across the country,
as well as TV news from network affiliates.
Please Help.
Please vote here. Email
CPSC. Email and call your
legislators. Email and tell your friends. Email,
write, and call your local news media. It is never to late to try to stop
this law and potentially save millions of people.
Notice: The statements and questions contained in this
website are not intended to convey allegations regarding any particular company,
person, or association. Readers should conduct their own investigation of a
company or association or person to ascertain the particular policies,
practices, and motivations of that entity. I have reported what I believe to be
true and correct to the best of my knowledge and opinion at the time of its
writing in a free speech effort to avert a public health disaster.