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National Academies of Science Quotes from Study


Toxicological Risks of Selected Flame-Retardant Chemicals (2000)
Commission on Life Sciences (CLS)


Finally, potential exposures to FRs applied to furnishing fabrics within the home have not been studied. Thus, there is little basis for estimates of exposure to such materials. There are few, if any, measurements of exposures under relevant conditions of exposure, and the subcommittee located no quantitative measurements of such exposures.

Subsequent iterations of the procedure would then depend on finding more defensible information about the exposure conditions. The subcommittee was unable to find any such information and recommends collection of such information—a process that should be relatively straightforward but is outside the subcommittee’s charge.

Page 36


Jenkins, R.O., P.J.Craig, W.Goessler, and K.J.Irgolic. 1998. Antimony leaching from cot mattresses and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Hum. Exp. Toxicol. 17(3):138–139.

1.      FRs are to be used to prevent or reduce a known risk—that of fires caused by ignition of FR-treated upholstered furniture. Even if FRs were to produce adverse effects, the net effect of using them might nevertheless be a reduction in risks. Determination of the acceptability of the various risks requires consideration of the trade-offs involved. The subcommittee’s charge did not include evaluation of trade-offs, and it did not attempt to make such evaluation.

From page 32


Exposure assumptions:


A fractional rate (per unit time) of zinc borate extraction by saliva is estimated as 0. 001/d, based on leaching of antimony from polyvinyl chloride cot mattresses (Jenkins et al. 1998).

Page 182


[This seems to be a poor comparison. Antimony leaching from vinyl like on a notebook or other household items is a nonporous surface. This is far different than a powder like boric acid applied to textile fibers.]




The area density of the FR (the application rate to the fabric or back-coating—mass per unit surface area). This value is chemical specific and was chosen at the highest value likely to be used. It ranged from 2 to 7.5 mg/cm2 depending on the treatment type. (The range was chosen from the experience of the UK’s textile market in meeting the UK’s furniture-fire regulations).



The area of body in contact with the couch was chosen to be 2,200 cm2. This value is based on 8,880 cm2 for the total body surface of the upper extremities (trunk, arms, and neck) of an adult (EPA Exposure Factors Handbook, Table 4–4). A worst-case estimate of body surface repeatedly in contact with furniture for long periods would be about 1/4 of the bare upper torso, or 2,200 cm2.



A worst-case estimate of body surface repeatedly in contact with furniture for long periods would be about 1/4 of the bare upper torso, or 2,200 cm2.

Page 38




The fractional rate (per unit time) of FR extraction by water (e.g., sweat) assumed to be present under the given conditions. This rate is chemical specific; it was generally estimated from extraction measurements or laundering tests and ranged from 0.0004 to 0.038 per day.



The fraction (dimensionless) of time spent on the couch by the adult was assumed to be 1/4, or 6 hr/d (every day). The subcommittee believes, based on measurements of how people spend their time, that 6 hr/d may be considered a reasonable upper bound.



The adult body weight (mass) was assumed to be 70 kg.





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1982). However, blood boron concentrations were increased within 2–6 hr after application of the same amount of boric acid in a water-based jelly, indicating that the vehicle in which boric acid is applied to the skin affects absorption.






Boric Acid


As discussed in the section on Absorption, boron has been detected in the urine after exposure to boric acid via the dermal, inhalation, and oral routes.






Boric Acid


In the occupational setting, toxic effects following exposure to boron are generally acute, and include nosebleed, nasal irritation, sore throat, cough, and shortness of breath (IPCS 1998).



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Boric Acid


Developmental toxicity appears to be the most sensitive endpoint for boric acid.



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There is a large body of literature indicating developmental and reproductive effects within the same order of magnitude, therefore, the confidence in the overall database is high. Therefore, the subcommittee has high confidence in the oral RfD for boric acid high.






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bottom of


The fractional release rate of antimory trioxide is estimated as 0. 001/d, based on the leaching of antimony from polyvinyl chloride cot mattresses (Jenkins et al. 1998).


At the
top of


1998. Antimony leaching from cot mattresses and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Hum.



At the
bottom of


A fractional rate (per unit time) of zinc borate extraction by saliva is estimated as 0. 001/d, based on leaching of antimony from polyvinyl chloride cot mattresses (Jenkins et al. 1998).


At the
top of


1998. Antimony leaching from cot mattresses and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Hum.





Zinc borate is typically composed of 45% ZnO and 34% boric anhydride (B2O3), with 20% water of hydration. Zinc borate is used as a flame retardant

Page 150



boric acid is readily absorbed following inhalation and oral exposure. Kent and McCance (1941, as cited in Moore 1997) page 153


Boric Acid

In humans, boron has been measured in the brain and liver following boric acid poisonings (see review, Moseman 1994).

Page 154


Boric Acid

As discussed in the section on Absorption, boron has been detected in the urine after exposure to boric acid via the dermal, inhalation, and oral routes. Following ingestion of boric acid by six male volunteers, greater than 90% of an ingested dose was excreted in the urine within 96 hr (Jansen et al. 1984).

Page 155


Boric Acid

Dermatitis has been reported following occupational exposure to borax

Page 156


Boric Acid

In the occupational setting, toxic effects following exposure to boron are generally acute, and include nosebleed, nasal irritation, sore throat, cough, and shortness of breath (IPCS 1998).

Page 159



A study (Tarasenko et al. 1972), summarized by Moore (1997), found a decrease in sexual activity in 28 workers exposed to very high concentrations of boron (10 mg/m3). Examination of the semen from six of the workers demonstrated a reduction in semen volume, a decrease in the number of spermatozoa, and decreased sperm motility

Page 160


Boric Acid

The free ion of boric acid, boron, is an essential nutrient for plants, and there is some evidence supporting essentiality in animals, including humans (see reviews, Woods 1994; Nielsen 1996). The essentiality of boron in humans is under consideration by the Institute of Medicine; however, no dietary intakes are currently recommended.


Information on the acute toxicity of boron compounds, including boric acid, in humans comes from severe poisonings, often related to old medical treatments or accidental exposures. Following ingestion of large amounts of boric acid, gastrointestinal symptoms occur first (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea), followed by erythema, exfoliation, and desquamation of the skin (Moore 1997).



No consistent lethal dose of boric acid has been reported in adults, but lethal doses in infants and children of 2–3 g and 5–6 g, respectively, have been reported (Moore 1997). Death occurred following ingestion of a large amount of boric acid (2.5% solution), which was accidently used instead of water to prepare an infant’s formula (Wong et al. 1964, as cited in Moore 1997).

Page 167


Krasovskii et al. (1976) dosed white random-bred rats (number of animals not given) with boric acid (0, 0.015, 0.05, and 0.3 mg boron/kg body weight) for 6 mo. Statistically significant decreases in mobility time, acid resistance, and osmotic resistance were seen at 0.3 mg boron/kg body weight. Mobility time and acid resistance were also decreased at 0.05 mg boron/kg body weight. The authors identified a NOAEL of 0.015 mg boron/kg and a LOAEL of 0.05 mg boron/kg.


At 262.5 mg boron/kg-d, both compounds decreased testis/brain weight ratios. Complete atrophy of the testis occurred in one male at 2.6 mg boron/kg-d, in four males

Page 168



Developmental and reproductive end points are the most sensitive effects for boron compounds following oral exposure. The lowest NOAEL identified was 8.8 mg boron/kg-d in the dog study by Weir and Fisher (1972). However, in the report by Moore (1997), questions were raised about that study due to a high level of abnormalities in the control group. The number of animals was also quite small in that study. Therefore, the study by Price et al. (1996a), which provided the next lowest values, with a LOAEL of 13.3 mg boron/kg-d and a NOAEL of 9.6 mg boron/kg-d, based on developmental effects, is the critical study for the reproductive and developmental effects of boron.

Page 173

Boric Acid

Developmental toxicity appears to be the most sensitive endpoint for boric acid. Price et al. (1996a) identified the lowest LOAEL and the highest NOAEL

Page 178



Zinc Borate

In order to derive an oral RfD for zinc borate from the RfDs for zinc compounds and boric acid, the relative contributions of zinc and boron to zinc borate were determined. Boron comprises approximately 11.3% (w/w) of zinc

Page 179



The main effects of boron are reproductive and developmental effects.

Page 180





Dermal Exposure

The assessment of noncancer risk by the dermal route of exposure is based on the scenario described in Chapter 3. This exposure scenario assumes that an adult spends 1/4th of his or her time sitting on furniture upholstery treated with zinc borate, that 1/4th of the upper torso is in contact with the upholstery, and that clothing presents no barrier. Zinc borate is considered to be ionic, and is essentially not absorbed through the skin. However, to be conservative, the subcommittee assumed that ionized zinc borate permeates the skin at the same rate as water, with a permeability rate of 10−3 cm/hr (EPA 1992). Using that permeability rate, the highest expected application rate for zinc borate (2 mg/cm2), and Equation 1 in Chapter 3, the subcommittee calculated a dermal exposure level of 6.3×10−3 mg/kg-d. The oral RfD for zinc borate (0.6 mg/kg-d; see Oral RfD in Quantitative Toxicity section) was used as the best estimate of the internal dose for dermal exposure. Dividing the exposure level by the oral RfD yields a hazard index of 1.0×10−2. Thus it was concluded that zinc borate used as a flame retardant in upholstery fabric is not likely to pose a noncancer risk by the dermal route.

Inhalation Exposure

The assessment of the noncancer risk by the inhalation route of exposure is based on the scenario described Chapter 3. This scenario corresponds to a person spending 1/4th of his or her life in a room with low air-change rate (0.25/hr) and with a relatively large amount of fabric upholstery treated with zinc borate (30 m2 in a 30-m3 room), with this treatment gradually being worn away over 25% of its surface to 50% of its initial quantity over the 15-yr lifetime of the fabric. A small fraction, 1%, of the worn-off zinc borate is released into the indoor air as inhalable particles and may be breathed by the occupant. Equations 4 through 6 in Chapter 3 were used to estimate the average concentration of zinc borate present in the air. The highest expected application rate for zinc borate is about 2 mg/cm2. The estimated release rate for zinc borate is


Page 181


2.3×10−7/d. Using those values, the estimated time-averaged exposure concentration for zinc borate is 0.19 µg/m3.

Although lack of sufficient data precludes deriving an inhalation RfC for zinc borate, the oral RfD (0.6 mg zinc borate/kg-d; see Oral RfD in Quantitative Toxicity section), which represents a conservative estimate, was used to estimate an RfC of 2.1 mg/m3 (see Chapter 4 for the rationale).

Division of the exposure concentration (0.19 µg/m3) by the estimated RfC (2.1 mg/m3) results in a hazard index of 9.1×10−5. Therefore, the subcommittee concluded that, under the worst-case exposure scenario, exposure to zinc borate particles from its use as an upholstery fabric flame retardant is not likely to pose a noncancer risk.

Page 182






Systemic toxicity and death occurred in rabbits following dermal application of 8g/kg antimony trioxide (Myers et al. 1978), and application of an unspecified dose of antimony trioxide in a paste of “artificial acidic or alkalinic sweat” (Fleming 1938). Both studies indicate that antimony trioxide is absorbed dermally in rabbits.


Elevated blood and urine antimony levels were reported in workers occupationally exposed to antimony, suggesting that antimony trioxide is absorbed following inhalation exposure (Cooper et al. 1968; Lüdersdorf et al. 1987; Kim et al. 1997).

Page 230




Dermal Exposure


Dermatitis was reported in workers occupationally exposed to 0.4–70.7 mg antimony/m3 (Renes 1953; McCallum 1963; Potkonjak and Pavlovich 1983; White et al. 1993).

Page 232



Systemic Effects

Death occurred in one out of four rabbits following a single dermal exposure to 8 g/kg antimony trioxide (Myers et al. 1978), and in one out of four rabbits exposed to 2 g/kg antimony trioxide (Ebbens 1972). Systemic toxicity and death occurred in three out of eight rabbits, but not in rats, following short-term exposure (20–21 d) to an unspecified dose of antimony trioxide (Fleming 1938). Gross pathologies were seen in the liver, lung, stomach, and kidney.




Inhalation Exposure

Systemic Effects

In humans, the lungs are the primary targets following inhalation exposure to antimony trioxide. Several studies of antimony smelter workers show that workers developed pneumoconiosis, chronic cough, and upper airway inflammation following chronic exposure to antimony trioxide (McCallum 1963, 1967; Cooper et al. 1968; Potkonjak and Pavlovich 1983). In addition, one study reported systemic effects following inhalation exposure in smelter workers, including weight loss, nausea, vomiting, nerve tenderness, and tingling (Renes 1953).



The lungs are also the primary target tissues in animals following inhalation exposure (see Table 10–2). All experimental inhalation studies were conducted using whole-body exposure. Details of particle size and purity are provided in footnotes. Guinea pigs exposed to antimony trioxide2 (average concentration: 45.4 mg antimony trioxide/m3, 2–3 hr/d, 6 mo) developed pneumonitis, liver and spleen effects, and decreased white blood cell counts (Dernehl 1945). Similarly, pneumonia was seen following exposure of rats (100–125 mg antimony trioxide/m3, 100 hr/mo, 14.5 mo) and rabbits (89 mg antimony

Page 234



Reproductive and Developmental Effects

Reproductive and developmental effects following inhalation exposure to antimony have been reported in one human study. Based on an English abstract of a study by Belyaeva (1967), women working in an antimony plant had a greater incidence of gynecological problems (not detailed), early interruption of pregnancy, and spontaneous late abortions compared to women working under similar conditions who were not exposed to antimony.

Page 240


As summarized in Reprotox (1999), studies with antimony compounds other than the trioxide have shown that, although antimony can enter the fetus (Gerber et al. 1982), antimony compounds are not teratogenic in chicks (Ridgway and Karnofsky 1952), rats (Rossi et al. 1987), or sheep (James et al. 1966). However, antimony trichloride (0.1 and 1 mg/dL in drinking water for 38 d) did decrease pup body weight and had some effects on cardiovascular responses to noradrenaline, isoprenaline, and acetylcholine (Rossi et al. 1987).

Page 241



In summary, based on the weight of evidence, the subcommittee concluded that there is suggestive evidence that antimony trioxide is carcinogenic and a quantitative cancer risk assessment was performed based on the study by Watt (1983)

Page 245




Although a single oral gavage of antimony trioxide (400, 666.67, and 1,000 mg/kg) did not cause chromosome aberrations in mouse bone marrow cells, aberrations were observed following repeated administration of those doses (Gurnani et al. 1992)

Page 249



The carcinogenicity of antimony trioxide by the dermal route of exposure cannot be determined because of lack of data.


Based on the weight of evidence (from animal studies), the subcommittee concludes that the data are suggestive of carcinogenicity following inhalation

Page 252



indicating that under the worst-case exposure scenario, antimony trioxide might possibly pose a noncancer risk via inhalation of particles.

Page 255