Incredible but true. Please look at the facts
before judging this issue:
(Click here for Printer Friendly Version)
* National Flameproof Mattress Regulation
passed 2-16-06, California Law in effect over a year
* New Flameproof Mattresses proven to contain acutely toxic and cancer causing
* These Toxins proven to leach through our sheets and be absorbed by our bodies
* Government says we will absorb .802 mg Antimony, .081 mg Boric Acid, .073 mg
DBDPO, every day
* Children under five excluded from risk assessment
* Doctors including Osteopaths and Chiropractors can prescribe toxin free beds
under new law
CPSC Risk Assessment of Flameproof Mattresses,
see it firsthand:
Short version, 12 selected pages
Full version, 77 pages Bookmarked
Highlighted, Searchable
Unfortunately because Strobel now offers
prescription mattresses some people jump to conclusions that the facts and risks
are tainted or untrue. The facts are true and verifiable. If you look at
Strobel's fight history you will see he has led
the fight to stop the law for the past three years. He has spent three thousand
hours and a lot of his own money to try to stop the law for no financial gain,
only to protect the public health. See his work at Now
it is probably impossible to get the law repealed. The only thing that might
happen is to get one chemical banned, only to find years later it is other
chemicals that prove toxic. Strobel mistakenly thought he had a chance to stop
the law. All we can do now is offer prescription beds. Chiropractors can
prescribe and sell prescription beds and make a lot of money, but this does not
make it wrong. It provides a service to inform people of the risks, and give
Americans freedom of choice to not sleep in toxins to avoid a one in one million
mattress fire risk. Plus, as a leading doctor in environmental medicine, Dr.
Laurence A. Plumlee, M.D. said: "I know many chemically sensitive people who do
not tolerate treated mattresses. And how many are intolerant who don't know why
they can't sleep or feel bad?"
Ultimately it is the editors choice to include
Strobel's name or website in any article. But you may find Strobel to be part
of the story and that the website gives people a choice of where to get
prescription mattresses. They are not readily available because almost no one
knows of the toxic chemicals in new mattresses, it is a well kept secret. Many
oppose this chemical use and law.
Please see the verifiable story below. Regardless of if you choose to use
Strobel's name or websites or not, we hope you will help get the word out and
report this story. It might help save people from harm.
The recent January 9, 2006 Risk Assessment of
Flameproof Mattresses from the U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission proves
which chemicals are being used in flameproof mattresses. Please see the CPSC
table of chemicals used PDF page 17, at:
(Or see a copy of CPSC table:
Table of Chemicals
in Beds)
To help you read the table: H3BO3 is Boric Acid, SB2O3 is Antimony, DBDOP is
Decabromodiphenyl Oxide, also called Deca. These are not ordinary flame
retardants we think of as safe. These are known to be acutely toxic and cancer
causing. Unlike flame retardants used in other products such as computer cases,
drapes, or building materials our exposure in mattresses is especially risky due
to our close chronic exposure eight hours every day for the rest of our lives.
When you look at the table of chemicals in flameproof mattresses you will see
that 5 contain Boric Acid and 7 contain Antimony, and all the Boric Acid systems
also contain Antimony. These are the most popular and widely used systems in new
mattresses today.
Government testing proves
these chemicals leach through the surface of mattresses to be absorbed by our
bodies. Please look at the CPSC table 16, on PDF page 45 at: (Or
see a copy of CPSC table 16:
Table of Poisons
Absorbed) ADD is
average daily dose. You will see the government says on average we will absorb .802 mg Antimony,
.081 mg Boric Acid, .073 mg DBDPO, every day for the rest of our lives.
This information alone is
enough for many people to know they don't want to sleep in these chemicals and
would rather have a choice. This seems especially true for chiropractors
believing in wellness.
It is my opinion your audience would like to know about this issue.

Under the existing California Law and the new National Regulation, all new
mattresses must withstand the above blowtorch open flame of a 12 inch wide
burner on the side for 50 seconds, and a top 10 inch wide burner for 70 seconds,
and then the mattress not ignite for 30 minutes. It requires a lot of chemical
in the surface of your mattress to pass this test.
Antimony and Boric Acid systems are the most
popular and commonly used to flameproof mattresses. There are a few other
systems, although none are natural or chemical free. If safe and chemical free
systems exist, why doesn't the CPSC point them out? While the CPSC calls
Antimony systems moderate risk, they call Melamine Resin systems low risk in
previous documents. Melamine Resin systems are made from the reaction of
Melamine and Formaldehyde, and contain free formaldehyde. The CPSC tested these
systems for Melamine release, but not for Formaldehyde release. Another system
they discuss is Ammonium Polyphosphate, a commonly used fertilizer. We know less
about the health effects of this chemical than we know about Antimony or Boric
Acid. The CPSC studied Ammonium Polyphosphate in mattresses and reported it
leaches from mattresses in large quantities. However, since it does not meet
their legal guidelines to qualify as acutely toxic like Boric Acid or Antimony,
they called it non-toxic and did not report how much we would absorb from
mattresses. We doubt our children chronically absorbing this fertilizer will
grow any better.
There are no labeling requirements of the FR
chemicals used in mattresses under the law. The CPSC argued that consumers would
not be able to distinguish a safe system. We agree. If mattresses were labeled
which system would you choose, Boric Acid with Antimony, Antimony alone,
Ammonium Polyphosphate, or Formaldehyde?
With no labeling requirements mattress makers
report their systems are nontoxic, or even that they don't use chemicals. We
often hear they claim they use Kevlar, not chemicals. Kevlar is expensive and
the only place we know of Kevlar being used is in the perimeter thread used to
hold the mattress together. The big players in the innerspring mattress industry
went to the CPSC and asked for and pushed for this law.
Are Flameproof Mattresses Safe?
We have learned toxic lessons in the past including PCB's in the 70's, Tris,
PBDE's being found in women's bodies and breast milk recently, Mercury, Lead,
Asbestos, and more. It took twenty years to discover Asbestos might be harmful,
and another twenty years to prove it was harmful. A relatively small percentage
of our population was chronically exposed to Asbestos, almost all of us will
sleep on flameproof mattresses within the next seven to ten years. What will we
learn 30 years from now?
who oppose this law point out, there is no science that says it is safe to sleep
in these chemicals. The only document that concludes it is safe to sleep in and
absorb these poisons is the internally generated CPSC Risk Assessment of
Flameproof mattresses written by CPSC employees. The law requires this be
reviewed by an independent reviewer. If you read the independent reviewers
comments beginning on page 60 of Tab-D linked above you begin to get a sense the
conclusions could be wrong. (Also see
Assessment Details)The independent reviewer complained strongly that
the CPSC changed the rules on the child sucking test, did not give adequate
consideration to the cancer risks, and complained seven times that the CPSC
assumptions of safe levels of toxic chemical absorptions do not agree with other
agencies. The CPSC responses to these comments are interesting because the tone
seems arrogant and defiant. In most cases the CPSC simply rebutted the reviewer
and insisted they were right. What good is the independent review? Our analysis
shows a proper child sucking test would fail and might have stopped the law. For
Antimony the CPSC assumed it is safe to absorb 2.3 mg/per kilogram of body
weight/per day, this is 166 mg per day for an average 160 pound adult. If we
follow the independent reviewers advice and use the EPA safe absorption number
of 4/10,000 of a mg/kg/day it changes everything. This number is 5,750 times
less than the CPSC assumption. Indeed, if you use the EPA safe number in CPSC
safety calculations it proves flameproof mattresses toxic by 27.5 times, this
would have stopped the law. If you look still further into some of their
assumptions you will see they admit there are uncertainties in any risk
assessment, and admit they have no data on how much antimony we might absorb
through our skin. “As with any risk assessment, there are assumptions,
limitations, and sources of uncertainty. … it should be noted that
percutaneous [skin] absorption data were not available for antimony.” (P 40)
If you look at their Table 8 p. 27, you will see they assume we will
absorb only 2/1,000's of the Antimony, and 9/100,000's of the Boric Acid per
hour, of the chemicals that have leached to the surface of our mattresses. This
seems a very small number when the CDC reports a study saying: "Two out of four
rabbits died after 6-8 topical applications of antimony trioxide paste. The
antimony trioxide was combined with a mixture formulated to resemble acidic
sweat." Antimony Trioxide is the exact chemical used in mattresses. If it was
the intention of the CPSC to reach a predetermined conclusion, use of these
assumptions would be a good way to accomplish this goal. Based on this report
alone, every American will eventually sleep in toxins. The CPSC has proven we
will absorb a daily dose of poisons from flameproof mattresses. But we really
don't know exactly how much poison we will actually absorb, or if this is safe
for everyone, especially children.
Antimony is almost
identical to Arsenic, and a heavy metal like Mercury or Lead. Low level chronic
exposure to Antimony is known to attack the liver and heart, and may cause the
heart to beat irregularly or stop. Antimony accumulates in the body. (See
Antimony Risks) When pressed by the independent
reviewer about the cancer risk from Antimony Trioxide the CPSC admits:
“The cancer effects are cumulative.
Every exposure contributes to the overall lifetime risk of developing cancer.”
Boric Acid is Roach
Killer. In addition to being a simple poison Boric Acid is acutely toxic and and
a known reproductive and developmental toxin. (See
Boric Acid Risks) DBDPO is in the family of PBDE's
being found in women's breast milk, accumulates in the the body, and is linked
to cancer.
Children under five
excluded from risk assessment. "CPSC staff has chosen to
examine older children (5 year olds) because younger children's mattresses are
more likely to be waterproofed due to their higher likelihood of bedwetting.
This waterproofing, either with fluid-resistant ticking or mattress covers, is
expected to reduce contact with FR chemicals.”
This seems a bad assumption since only 20% of young children have bed wetting
problems, and 80% of children will likely not have a vinyl sheet over their
mattresses. Additionally, a vinyl mattress cover may not provide protection,
other research proves Antimony leaches through vinyl on mattresses and is linked
to SIDS. A lot of research over the last thirty
years has proven young children are
vulnerable to even low levels of toxins. Crib, portable-crib, and youth
mattresses must also be flameproof under the law.
It is incredible that the CPSC puts our entire
population, 300 million people, at any level of risk to save 142-270 people from
fire after all existing mattresses are replaced. Even these numbers are
questionable, the real number saved might be much lower. According to USA Today:
the USA has the world's toughest flame retardancy standards, 3,000 people die in
fires each year. The Chemical Manufacturers Association estimates the number
would be up to 960 higher without such flame retardants." We already use 1.2
Billion pounds of flame retardants in the US annually, now we will use even more
by having to sleep in and absorb them too.
The CPSC has called flameproof bed systems
Moderate Risk, Low Risk, and not an appreciable risk. Any level of risk applied
to 300 million people is a big risk. We have learned toxic
lessons in the past. Why do we not apply common sense to this issue?
It is difficult to visualize the magnitude of
300 million people. Even if this chemical use does not prove catastrophic, it
seems likely to kill or harm many more than it saves. We have millions and millions of
sensitive people. People with preexisting health conditions, unborn children,
young children, elderly, and more. For instance, seventeen million people suffer
from Asthma and 5,000 die from Asthma attacks each year.
Boric Acid is a known
respiratory irritant and Asthma suffers have reported not being able to tolerate
Boric Acid mattresses. The National Safety Council says 17,550 people die
each year from “Accidental poisoning by and exposure to noxious
substances," this number now exceeds deaths in car accidents.
Chemical exposure risk
depends on dose and duration. Our risk in mattresses is close chronic exposure
for the rest of our lives. It is proven we will absorb doses of poisons every
day. It is difficult to say exactly how much poison we will absorb, and if this
is safe for every American. No one can predict the future. Free Americans should
have a right to know about the risks and be able to make their own choices, but
our government now makes this choice for us. What will we learn 10, 20, or 30
years from now?
One opponent of the law
called this "A human experiment without consent." Flameproof mattresses are now
the law of the land. The toxic chemicals in new flameproof mattresses are a well
kept secret. If people are lucky enough to learn of this issue, the only choice
people have is a bare waterbed without a quilted cover or a prescription
President, Strobel Technologies,,
Director, People For Clean Beds,
Phone: 812-282-4388
Fax: 812-282-6528
Address: 3131
Industrial Parkway, Jeffersonville IN 47130